Terms of Use for Free Downloads

What are the Terms of Use for your material?
All the music, graphics, art, text, design, source code, and all other aspects of this website, www.susanparadis.com are protected under copyright by Susan R. Paradis. The free download material on this website may be used by teachers, parents, and students for their personal use or for the benefit of their students. Teachers may print out copies for their own students, but no material may be resold or redistributed in any other way without permission from Susan R. Paradis. Commercial use of the material on this website other than described above is prohibited.

The music, graphics, art, text, and PDF images on this website may not be posted on other websites. Rather, you may post a link on your website to direct back to www.susanparadis.com.

Can I use your art and/or music on some of the things I make for my students?
No, I own the copyright of the art and music and it must be used only in the form that is downloaded from this site.